Saturday, July 23, 2011

Suzanne's Journey

Suzanne's Journey: "On July 7th, 2011 Suzanne Melina-K was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast Cancer. A rare form of breast cancer that accounts for 3-4% of all breast cancers diagnosed. This blog is Suzanne's Journey on what she calls "My Health Challenge"


  1. Buddha Mama, how exciting to have this journal! All of us who love and support you now have this wonderful community place to share in your healing journey. I so look forward to the photo’s of your hair whizzing party! Love ya lots and lots!

  2. This is a great way to stay connected and updated! Looking forward to more posts and photos of this journey. Thank you for sharing this with us. Love you gals! Ally and Carolyn

  3. Yes, I agree with Sherry! It was an amazing experience~all of us joining together for your Wiz do indeed have a beautiful, bald head to show for it!!
    I am thankful to have you in my life, Sista!
    Sending you girls Big Hugs!

  4. Good Morning,

    This morning on Dr. Oz, I saw that eating sweet potatoes, which contain lutein and carotenoids, molecules that starve cancer cells, is very good for us. Just thought I would share that tip.

  5. Hi Suzanne,
    Just in from picking, preparing, and loading string beans into the new solar dehydrator I made at a community workshop in May. This summer will be a series of experiments in how long it takes in what kind of temps and humidity to dry different veggies. What fun. So glad to have a forum to connect with you and your team! Can't wait for pictures of the hair whiz. You're vivacious always so this will be another womonifestation of that.
    love & big squeezes, Caroljean

  6. Sending you sweet energy for your procedure today, hope ya feel the love!

  7. Hey Suzanne,
    You're a big bright light! You had me dancing when I never thought I would do that again...thanks for that light in you! I'm sending you and CS all the love and light I can muster on your new journey through your present challenges. Call if you need anything I can help with...

  8. Buddha Mama, oh today sounds challenging with trying to feel relief, feel better, feel like your fire self. Sending you love and lots of rainbow energy always, and every day. Wishing you restful rest!
    love ya!!!

  9. Just checking in! Wondering how the procedure went and how you are feeling. Sending hugs to you all! And kiss that little Stewie for me! Talk with you soon. much love!

  10. Buddha Mama, so good to talk with you and share some laughter after a ouch kinda day yesterday. I loved your puffy cloud story and overhearing the calamity of laughs in trying to find your Gatorade bottle. Yes! This journey is so new for all of us, yet we have the connections of heart and laughter to help navigate the occasional grouchy clouds overhead.
    love ya much o!

  11. Hey gals,

    I'm sorry our time was so short! I am sending you love, light and blessings on your healing journey. I will pray for you at every Buddhist temple I set foot in. I love you both and will miss your bright faces. My heart goes out to you both for the challenges ahead but you are strong women and you will rise up. Big love from Southeast Asia.



  12. Has anyone used that juicer, yet?

  13. I think you have another treatment today. Good luck with that. Sending you loads of positive energy.

  14. Good job at chemo today! I just have to say I am still chuckling about the Naked Therapy conversation you had with your doc! And Cat, you tell the story so well! Sending love to you both! Take care of yourself and listen to your body's needs. love you gals!

  15. Sweet Suzanne, I am smiling, as I am thinking of so many fun times that we have shared... I am holding you from out here in the Northwest, Puget Sound Country, in my prayers and close to my heart ... hope to connect soon...

  16. we just wanted to say hello and soooooooooooo happy you are on is so fun to be able to catch up with you.....will see you in a few anthony/julio

  17. My friend Nancy Chapin shared something with me this summer... she said that asking someone in need, "what can I do for you?" can be helpful, but often puts the burden on the person in greatest need to think about, and ask for something (not easy for many of us). A real gift is calling up to suggest a day that you will bring food by, with an idea of how to help, a time slot that you can offer (for any task)... you get the idea. Suzanne... we are all holding you close...

  18. Suzanne I have been thinking about you here in NM. I hope that you and Michelle have a great visit. You both need this time together. Thank you for sharing your journey with all. Love Connie :)

  19. Suzanne, I owe you a phone call. I''m recovering from minor surgery these last few months so wil catch up. Anthony stopped by and told me about the braclets. We've already sold a whole box of 10 and asked for another. There are many many many of us who love you and will be with you on your journey and love and surround you in a while healing light. More to follow. Randy

  20. Wishing you the best, Suzanne.

    Aspen from Minneapolis
