Saturday, August 6, 2011

Second Chemo

The 3rd of August was the second chemo.....she started out really good, humorous, even telling  Dr. Scott she had started Naked therapy, and then soon as the first bag was going she almost immediately started not feeling so good. First bag is anti nausea meds, steroids, next bag is the Adriamycin, then the Cytoxan. By the third bag she crawled in bed and slept the rest of treatment.  Later in the afternoon by the time we got home she was better. Rested the rest of that day and the next but by Friday the girl was ready for her colonic.  That is one tough chick.
The photos are just a few of the chemo girls that come for Suzannes treatments.... Alli and Caroline, and Sherry Lee. There were others that day,  Julie Nardie, SueAnn, Leslie Grossman, and Odette.....They have to give Suzanne a room cause she has so many visitors.


  1. Buddha Mama, your sense of humor shakes the giggles right out of us...your chemo girls are with you all the way. Too bad that chocolate cake wasn't very goodish...maybe next time we should try the brownies instead.
    love ya!

  2. You guys make chemo look ALMOST like fun! Hang tough! C&B

  3. Looking good Suzannie! Inside and out! We love you both and especially love the naked therapy story! love, Ally and Carolyn

  4. It's good to see the girl gang with you. May the beauty and love in that quilt seep right into you babe.
    Big squeezes,
